An Organic Evolution

Welcome back to the Crossblog! I have been quiet recently because I've been working hard on the game and designing the playtest adventure that I will be running soon. In preparation for this, I've been discussing things with my players, getting feedback, and answering their questions. It's been really exciting for me, because the more questions I am asked, the better I get at explaining things about it more efficiently and clearly. (At least in my head, I do.)

As these conversations continue, sometimes I come across a stumbling block that I can't reason out and I have to go back and revise for the sake of keeping the game fun, exciting, and co-operative. One recent set of examples takes place in the edits of the second post on game mechanics.
On that edited post...

  • There are strikethroughs on ideas that are no longer part of the game. 
  • There are bold texts for new ideas that are implemented. 
  • There are also red italicized editor's notes that explain some of the reasoning behind the changes. 
I am sure that this will not be the only time that I adjust and tweak some things, but I just wanted to let anyone who was paying attention know that any such revisions will be noted and explained to promote an environment of transparency.

As I am closing in on the playtest, I am excited to finally see this labor of love I've been working on for so long finally getting another live fire demonstration. It is also exciting to flex my muscles as a GM again. It's been a while since I've gotten to do this, so I'm looking forward to the opportunity to tell a story that hopefully inspires others to want to explore the world of Yzyrra and the secrets that Elementia has hidden in its hidden corners and recesses.

The next post for the Crossblog will be coming soon. If you are interested in keeping up to date and/or learning more about Crossroads: The Yzyrra Chronicles, please feel free to Comment, Subscribe, and Share!

Until the next post, this is Darrick, signing off.

Good fortunes be with you!


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