
Showing posts from January, 2019

Consequences of Heat & Recklessness

Welcome back to the Crossblog! I know in the last post that I said that we would be discussing the playable races in Crossroads, but before I post that I'd like to include some visual reference for all nine races to accompany the descriptions and evolution trait explanations. So I ask that you be patient while I work on those as well. Crossroads: The Yzyrra Chronicles has been a predominantly one-man operation, so I have to focus on the areas that will yield the biggest, most immediate gains, while conducting my playtests. As such... This time on the Crossblog, we will be taking a slight detour from our itinerary to have a look at a topic that was briefly touched upon back in Post #3:  "What Do You Do?" Resource Management . We skimmed the surface of the concept of "Heat". We will be looking into this mechanic and what comes with this little floating number. WHAT IS HEAT? At its core, Heat is a moment to moment measure of how well your character is able to

Playtest Evolution #1

Welcome back to The Crossblog! Sorry for the delay but, there has been a  few pretty drastic changes that are happening with Crossroads: The Yzyrra Chronicles. All of them are things that will make the game more exciting to play over the long haul. I will go into a couple of them in the next Crossblog. I've conducted several sessions of the playtest but due to life events, holidays, and such, I had to put the Third Act of the playtest on indefinite hiatus. I will be working to arrange another, more than likely to be played using Roll20 augmented with Discord. I also have a face-to-face playtest on the horizon with some really good friends I've played all kinds of games with over the span of 20+ years. I just wanted to keep those reading this aware of the state of things. Without further adieu, we move forward... Last time we took a look at the concept of Heat and how it works, allowing enhanced performance at the cost of increased stress. We also looked at how when a chara